How does aprilaire humidifier work

The humidity created is a gas which simply passes through any component in the heating and cooling system or any air cleaner including an Aprilaire air cleaner with no adverse effects. The humidity created by your Aprilaire humidifier is no different than the humidity present in your home during the summer months. Can I purchase an Aprilaire Humidifier at a retail outlet? Aprilaire products are sold through licensed heating and cooling contractors as they are best suited to help you choose the right unit, install it correctly and handle any warranty situations in the unlikely event one would occur.

What will it cost to install an Aprilaire Humidifier in my home? The cost of every Aprilaire Humidifier installation varies based on your specific application. Why does Aprilaire offer an automatic and a manual humidifier control for the Aprilaire humidifiers? As the 1 manufacturer of humidifiers in the country, Aprilaire feels it is important to offer a humidifier control option for all applications.

The automatic digital humidifier control is the top of the line when it comes to technology. An outdoor temperature sensor continuously reports changes in the outdoor temperature to the automatic digital humidifier control located on the cold air return duct. The automatic digital humidifier control uses this information to determine if the home requires additional humidity, to ensure the optimum humidification level is maintained.

However, we realize there are some applications where it is impractical or impossible to run an outdoor temperature sensor to the outside.

This is why we provide a high quality manual humidifier control for such applications. The automatic digital humidifier control also includes the option of operating in manual mode. Manual operation requires the homeowner to manually adjust the humidity level on the humidifier control as the outdoor temperature changes.

Which Aprilaire humidifier should we purchase for our home? There frequently are several different Aprilaire models which will adequately humidify your home. The most qualified person to help you decide which Aprilaire humidifier model will best fit your needs is your local heating and cooling contractor.

They can recommend and install the best Aprilaire humidifier for your home based on its size, age and construction. How do I operate the manual humidistat for my Aprilaire humidifier? Low humidity can cause dry eyes, dry throat, bloody noses, and other health problems. They can also save you money on your energy costs. The first step is simple. Share your zip code below for a comprehensive list of certified Aprilaire Partners in your area who can help you breathe Healthy Air.

Toggle navigation. Healthy Air. Search Zip. H umidity for Health Reduce the incidence of respiratory infections and symptoms related to allergies and asthma by minimizing the formation of bacteria and viruses, fungi, and dust mites. H umidity for Comfort Whether your home is in a dry region of the country, or in an area with seasonal dryness, maintaining the right level of humidity can make all the difference in how comfortable you feel in your home.

H umidity for Preservation Help preserve the natural beauty of wood floors, cabinetry, furnishings and anything else in your home susceptible to warping, cracking, or other permanent damage due to dry air. Model Parts. Other Aprilaire Humidifiers. Large Bypass Humidifier. Small Bypass Humidifier. The Aprilaire Ventilation Control System has a 5-year limited warranty on parts from the date of installation. The Aprilaire Ventilation Control System will bring outside air into your home to reduce the stale indoor air in your home.

The actual rate of ventilation required is determined by the size of your home and the number of occupants. This ensures the optimal amount of ventilation will be provided so as not to over or under ventilate your home. This allows the control to always know the outdoor temperature so it will not open the damper if the outside temperature is too hot or cold.

The Aprilaire Ventilation Control System requires minimal maintenance. The intake duct includes a vent hood located on the outside of the home which typically includes a screen in the vent hood. This intake vent hood should be inspected regularly as the ventilation control will not perform properly if the intake vent screen is clogged with debris. If not, the warranty is void. Your Aprilaire humidifier should operate anytime the HVAC system is running and the indoor relative humidity level is lower than the set point on your humidistat.

If not, we recommend contacting your installing contractor to troubleshoot the humidifier at your home. Will an Aprilaire humidifier harm my heating and cooling system or air cleaner? Why does Aprilaire offer an automatic and a manual humidifier control for the Aprilaire humidifiers? Aprilaire feels it is important to offer a humidifier control option for all applications. Can an Aprilaire humidifier operate in automatic mode without the outdoor temperature sensor?

How do I determine the Aprilaire humidifier model to interface with my HVAC system while properly humidifying my home? Why would one dealer recommend one Aprilaire humidifier while another dealer recommends a different Aprilaire model?

There frequently are several different models which will adequately humidify a home. Typically dealers will install an Aprilaire humidifie r they are comfortable with, have recommended to their customers for some time, and meet the technical requirements for humidification in your home.

Bottom line, choose the dealer you are comfortable with; they know your heating and cooling system and can recommend an appropriate Aprilaire Humidifier. My dealer is recommending an Aprilaire humidifier model not listed on your site. Is the model out-of-date?

What are the dimensions and specifications for the current line of Aprilaire Humidifiers? Should my Aprilaire bypass humidifier be installed on the supply plenum or the return air duct? Should my Aprilaire power humidifier be installed on the supply plenum or the return air duct? Aprilaire power humidifiers are design to be installed on the hot air supply plenum.

If however, there is no space available due to the HVAC air conditioning coil or the layout of the mechanical room, the Aprilaire power humidifier can be installed on the cold air return duct. When installed on the cold air return duct the humidifier must be supplied with hot water as the temperature of the air in the cold air return duct is not sufficient for proper evaporation. The almond color power humidifiers have a 24 volt transformer built into the humidifier; therefore, they have their own power.

To determine if the fan is working simply touch the two brown leads which extend out of the bottom of the humidifier together, while the humidifier cover is on and the humidifier is plugged into a powered outlet. This would complete the internal 24 volt connection to the relay, which will turn the fan on and open the water solenoid valve. Perform this test while the furnace is off, so the sound of the furnace running will not interfere with the sound of the humidifier fan.

If the fan and water solenoid valve operate the unit is ok. The grey color power humidifiers require 24 volt power to engage the internal relay which sends the 24 volts to the water solenoid valve and allows the internal fan to operate.

If the fan and water solenoid valve operate the unit is working properly. All Aprilaire humidifiers require heat, water and air movement in order to add moisture to the air. Provided your Aprilaire humidifier is supplied with hot water approximately F , and the HVAC system fan is operating, humidity will be added to your home. The Model and M Aprilaire humidifiers can be installed on heat pump systems. Due to the nature of the wicking water panel used in the Model , hot water provides limited benefit.

As such, your HVAC installer will need to take the size, construction and age of your home into consideration to ensure the Model will provide satisfactory comfort and protection through adequate humidification during a heat call from your heat pump system. Are there problems with standing water with the Model Aprilaire humidifier? Problems associated with standing water are addressed in the design of this humidifier since it contains at most, eight ounces of water at any given time.

In addition, all the water evaporates, leaving the unit dry for long periods between humidification cycles. Nevertheless, it is recommended that simple recommended maintenance be performed twice a season.

Over time, the wicking capabilities ability to draw water up the Water Panel are reduced as minerals build up on the panel. The mid-season change means you will receive proper humidity throughout the humidification season.

For proper operation, this is required twice during the humidifying season, typically every 3 months. This means there is not a continuous flow of water through the humidifier as there is with our other Aprilaire Humidifiers such as the Models , and Instead there is a safety overflow connection at the base of the humidifier for an overflow drain line to connect to.

In the unlikely event of the water level sensor assembly circuit failing, water will be safely directed to a drain provided there is an overflow drain line attached.

The Model and Aprilaire humidifiers are completely self-contained and designed for installation in homes with electric baseboard heat, hydronic heat and even with homes with forced air heating systems with special humidification needs. These humidifiers require hot water, electricity and access to a drain. The Model is designed to be hung from the floor joists in a basement. Ductwork is connected from the humidifier to a floor vent in a central location of the home.

The humidified air is then distributed to the home through this ductwork. The Model is our through-the-wall humidifier and can be placed in a central location of the home in a closet or laundry room where electricity, water and a drain are available. Humidified air is distributed through a grille on the humidifier into a hallway where the vapor will migrate throughout the home. The Aprilaire model has a decibel range between 63 and 73 depending on the installation.

Insulated flex duct may be used to reduce the sound level. The amount of sound created by the model is typically compared to the sound of a box fan. Your HVAC installer can verify the duct work used with your Aprilaire model is moving the proper airflow as increased airflow will increase the noise level.

The model and M models require replacing the water panel every 3 months during the humidifier season. The , M, , M, and M require replacement every humidifier season. In some applications the water panels may require additional replacement.

Reduced humidification levels can occur if the water panel is not replaced as described above. This is because some of the minerals left behind from the evaporation process are permanently trapped in the water panel.

The water panel will eventually become clogged with these minerals so less evaporation takes place. The result is less humidification. This paint should be placed up, towards the water distribution tray, for proper operation. The exception is if the stock number 35 is being replaced in the models or In these models there is no specific orientation of the water panel.

Aprilaire evaporative humidifiers can operate with hot, cold, hard or soft water. Hot water is preferred as it supplements the heat from the HVAC system heat call to increase the evaporation rate. When the humidifier is wired to operate on a heat or HVAC fan call, hot water is required as it is the only heat source for the evaporation process. The model Aprilaire steam humidifier requires cold water, which may be hard or soft.

Hot water cannot be used because the supply water is used to cool the water going to drain. All Aprilaire humidifiers need some source of heat for evaporation to take place whether it is hot water or hot air.

When the humidifier is wired to operate on a heat or HVAC fan call, hot water is required as it is the only heat source for the evaporation process during an HVAC fan call.

In addition hot water is required when the humidifier is connected to a heat pump. This is due to the lower plenum temperature in a heat pump. Hot water ensures there is an adequate heat source for the evaporation process. When any drain-though Aprilaire Humidifier is connected to hot water, the heat in the water is used in the evaporation process and the water coming out of the drain will be cool to the touch. Is the water flow to my Aprilaire humidifier regulated with the saddle valve or is it regulated another way?

All Aprilaire humidifiers include a water-metering orifice designed to regulate the water flow through the humidifier. The water flow to the models , , and M is 6 GPH. The water flow for the models , M is. The saddle valve is not designed to regulate the water flow and should simply be turned to fully open all the way to the left so the orifice can regulate the flow. If the saddle valve is not fully open the humidity output from the humidifier will be reduced.

Is water supposed to be draining from my Aprilaire humidifier and if so how much? The amount of water draining is determined by the model humidifier you have in your home. If you have the model , M, , M Aprilaire humidifiers it will take approximately five minutes to fill a quart jar at the drain. All Aprilaire Humidifiers require heat, water and air movement in order to add moisture to the air. The water solenoid valve may also be in need of replacement. Your HVAC installer can verify the wiring and operation of the water solenoid valve.

Why is water leaking out of my Aprilaire evaporative drain-through humidifier? Other factors which will cause water to leak are: The humidifier not being level and plumb front to back The drain line being clogged drain line should be inspected for clogs yearly The scale control insert component water panel slides into having a crack in it or not inserted into the base of the humidifier correctly The orifice which regulates water to the humidifier from the water solenoid valve may have become enlarged or is missing resulting in a larger flow of water to the humidifier The feed tube component which carries water to the water panel may have a crack in it or not be properly positioned in the distribution tray component connected across the top of the water panel A replacement component for any component found to not be performing properly can be obtained through the HVAC installer.

What does a flashing red light mean on my Aprilaire digital humidifier control? The Aprilaire digital humidifier control includes three indicator lights. What does a flashing yellow light mean on my Aprilaire digital humidifier control? A flashing yellow light the change water panel indicator means it is time to change the water panel in your Aprilaire humidifier. Once the water panel has been changed, you will need to reset the change water panel indicator as it is not intuitive and has no way of knowing when the water panel was changed.

To reset the change water panel indicator, simply rotate the control knob on the humidifier control to the test reset position. The water panel change indicator has been reset. What does a flashing green light mean on my Aprilaire digital humidifier control? A flashing green light the humidifier on indicator means the humidifier is operating in the test mode. Test mode is used to verify the humidifier is wired properly and lasts for one minute.

The blue LCD light and the green humidifier on light will continue to flash at the end of test mode. This is an alert because if left in the test mode the humidifier will not operate. Return the control knob to its previous position so the digital humidifier control will operate your Aprilaire humidifier normally. During normal operation the green light will be on solid during any humidifier call. Can I get a digital humidifier control for my Aprilaire humidifier that installs in my living area instead of on the HVAC system?

Aprilaire has manufactured 3 digital humidifier controls which install on the cold air return duct. The model numbers are 58, 60 and We also offer a digital manual humidifier control, model 65 which can install in the living area. The model 65 humidifier control measures the humidification level in the space where the control is installed.

Anytime the humidity drops below the current set point on the humidifier control, the control will activate the humidifier provided the HVAC system fan is operating.

The model 65 will require manual adjustment as the outdoor temperature changes, so the home is not over or under humidified. Any HVAC installer will be able to offer you the model 65 manual digital humidifier control.

How do I turn my Aprilaire humidifier off at the end of the humidifier season? What capacity The Aprilaire model steam humidifier will operate with volt power While volt power is preferred to allow for the most capacity, the humidification requirement for your home determined by your HVAC installer will dictate which power supply to utilize. What is the typical operating cost for an Aprilaire model steam humidifier? An Ultraviolet light may dry out the material used in the components of our Aprilaire humidifiers.

The base of the humidifier along with the scale control insert the 3-sided component which the evaporative water panel sides into can become powdery resulting in their requiring replacement. Aprilaire recommends locating the humidifier on the opposite side of the HVAC system from where the UV lights are located or out of the direct line of the UV lights to prevent this from occurring. Components requiring replacement due to UV affects are not covered under the Aprilaire warranty.

The Aprilaire dehumidifiers have a 5 year limited parts warranty from date of installation when installed by a licensed HVAC installer on all components including the compressor. The warranty of our Aprilaire Dehumidifiers, model ,, A, ,A, , A, , A, , , F, and W is a limited warranty on parts, 5 years from date of installation. How does the model A dehumidifier know when there is a need for dehumidification? The A is controlled by the model 76 digital dehumidifier control.

This control is installed in the living space and is constantly monitoring the humidity in the home to determine if dehumidification is necessary.

How does the , A, , A, and A dehumidifiers know when there is a need for dehumidification? Your comfort is the best measure of where to set the humidity level. When first installed your Aprilaire dehumidifier has to remove all the moisture initially in your home. Your home acts like a sponge so the moisture in the materials of your home is at the same level as the air. After drying the air, the materials of the home will release moisture back into the air until they are again at the same level.

As a result, it is not uncommon for the dehumidifier to operate for an extended time when first installed. What is the required maintenance for the , , F, F, and W Aprilaire dehumidifiers? What is the required maintenance for the A, A and A Aprilaire dehumidifiers? Aprilaire dehumidifiers have a limited warranty on parts, 5 years from date of installation. The length of the warranty does not indicate a shorter life.

The environment, operating time and dehumidification level being maintained can have an effect on the life expectancy. In addition, Aprilaire dehumidifiers have undergone extensive coastal condition testing on electronics and controls. Aprilaire dehumidifiers are extremely quiet and average less than 55 dB when ducted , which is quieter than a person to person conversation.

These dehumidifiers A, A, A, , , F, and W manufactured after January 1st offer the option of using our model 76 digital dehumidifier control to control the humidity level in the basement from any convenient area in your home. Your heating and cooling installer will know the proper wiring for this application. Models A and A weigh 93 lbs. Model A weighs lbs. Model A weighs 65 lbs. Model weighs 67 lbs. Model weighs 98 lbs. Model E weighs 56 lbs. Model E weighs 63 lbs. Model E weighs 64 lbs.

Model E weighs 98 lbs. All Aprilaire dehumidifiers are — VAC. The current draw of each Aprilaire dehumidifier model is listed below. E draws 6. E draws 5. E draws 8. If condensation does form, a ventilation product is recommended. These controls have been used with the models A, A and A. All three of these Aprilaire controls can dehumidify the home based on the conditions in the area where the control is installed rather than using the on board control in the dehumidifier.


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