Researchers therefore suggested that younger visitors are more invested in learning about potential careers and that zoos should recognise this. A meerkat stares back at passing visitors from the safety of his perch. NikolayVolnov flikr. The survey also revealed that visitors are drawn to zoos through several different motivations. Whilst some people visited Folly Farm for the social experience with friends or family, others specifically expressed a desire to learn.
Researchers found that visitors who prioritised education during their visit were more likely to suggest that future interactions with technology would significantly improve their experience. Such insights could help zoos decide in the future where and how to enhance their exhibit displays in order the better educate their visitors. Whilst high visitor numbers show that zoological sites remain popular, such a range of individuals means that there are very different priorities concerning learning.
Researchers suggest that zoos recognise this diversity and deliver different approaches to education in order to provide the most effective opportunities for each visitor to learn. JinanZoo WikipediaCommons. In addition, researchers also identified the benefits of utilising interpretation away from the main exhibit display in unusual places.
Another potential avenue for further research concerns the relationship between zoos and the growing demand for technology within education.
More people will also get the opportunity to distinguish every animal from its immediate relatives. In conclusion, the society should safeguard these zoos because they will always contribute a lot to human education and knowledge. Your email address will not be published. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Zoo experiences: conversations, connections, and concern for animals.
Zoo Biol. Public support for biodiversity after a zoo visit: environmental concern, conservation knowledge, and self-efficacy. Curator 60, 87— Coe, J. Design and perception: making the zoo experience real. Davey, G. Relationships between exhibit naturalism, animal visibility and visitor interest in a Chinese zoo. Visitor behavior in zoos: a review.
Dove, T. Do zoo visitors need zoology knowledge to understand conservation messages? An exploration of the public understanding of animal biology and of the conservation of biodiversity in a zoo setting. B 4, — Falk, J. Free-choice environmental learning: framing the discussion. Fernandez, E. Animal-visitor interactions in the modern zoo: conflicts and interventions. Finlay, T. Godinez, A. Visitor behaviors and perceptions of jaguar activities. Grajal, A. Minteer, J. Maienschein, and J.
Collins University of Chicago Press. Gusset, M. The global reach of zoos and aquariums in visitor numbers and conservation expenditures. Hacker, C.
Zoo visitor perceptions, attitudes, and conservation intent after viewing African elephants at the San Diego zoo Safari Park. Hance, J. Hancocks, D. A different nature: The paradoxical world of zoos and their uncertain future.
Hayward, J. Curator 47, — Jensen, E. Quantifying long-term impact of zoo and aquarium visits on biodiversity-related learning outcomes.
Kutska, D. Variation in visitor perceptions of a polar bear enclosure based on the presence of natural vs. Lindemann-Matthies, P. Luebke, J. Lukas, K. Zoo visitor knowledge and attitudes toward gorillas and chimpanzees. Maple, T. Environmental psychology and great ape reproduction. Margulis, S. Effect of felid activity on zoo visitor interest. Mason, G. Stereotypies: a critical review.
Miller, L. Visitor reaction to pacing behavior: influence on the perception of animal care and interest in supporting zoological institutions. Dolphin shows and interaction programs: benefits for conservation education? Moss, A. Zoo visits boost biodiversity literacy.
Nature Evaluating the contribution of zoos and aquariums to Aichi biodiversity target 1. Probing the link between biodiversity-related knowledge and self-reported proconservation behavior in a global survey of zoo visitors. Impact of a global biodiversity education campaign on zoo and aquarium visitors. Nakamichi, M. Assessing the effects of new primate exhibits on zoo visitors' attitudes and perceptions by using three different assessment methods.
Huffington Post. Ojalammi, S. Visitor perceptions of nature conservation at Helsinki zoo. Philpot, P. Visitor viewing behaviour in the Gaherty reptile breeding Centre, Jersey wildlife preservation trust: a preliminary study. Dodo J. Jersey Wildlife Preserv. Conway International Conservation Award R. Conservation Education. Home Conservation Conservation Education.