We were like, What is going on? And then when we were going out in L. It was definitely a Jersey thing. If you came to Jersey Shore—or really, Jersey at all—in through , that was the hairstyle all the girls were wearing. It was like a big thing. So I feel like all the girls were always competing with each other.
Whoever had the highest pouf, the best boobs, and the most animal print, it was basically like you won. We passed a teasing comb around from door to door. Which brings me to my next question: How did it feel for you when you realized that millions of women were suddenly copying your hairstyle? I was kind of like, Why? It was weird to me, but at the same time, it was pretty awesome, obviously. I never understood it because, to me, I just considered myself trash.
I guess at the time I just never took myself seriously. So the fact that people wanted to look like me, I was like, Why? You did eventually capitalize on that fact, though. I remember you had an entire line of tanning products, a nail polish collection , and a fuzzy slipper collab , to name just a few. So at a certain point you became very business savvy about your image. How did that happen? So when it came to doing nail polish and tanning oils and all of that stuff, it just made sense.
View on Instagram. I definitely try because I love to be tan, and I still love to do tanning stuff. A lot of studies have come out in the past decade about the dangers of tanning —especially with tanning beds. Have those changed your opinion of tanning at all? Did you ever feel pressured to change the way you look, or change your image? Especially, as you guys were getting big. No, because I was a hot mess. I still am. When you got rid of the pouf, you said you wanted to have a more mature look.
Why was that important to you at the time? It was just a part of growing up like everybody else does. And it was becoming more of me instead of the person who I am. Everyone asked about it. But honestly for me, day to day at this point, my hair is always up. I just want to be a comfortable mom. Not really.
It started when Ron called me and Deena fat. Yet while such behavioral snippets compelled some 4. Thompson, a professor of television and popular culture at Syracuse University.
She is busty and short-waisted with small legs; sort of like a turnip turned on its tip. The pouf has been her signature, along with her frisky nickname, since she was in high school in Marlboro, where she was a cheerleader.
Snooki has a way of putting herself together that while in some ways is atrocious, is completely identifiable to her and consistent with her attention-seeking personality. She wears short, clingy dresses in a pattern or with some metallic trim, huge enameled or bejeweled hoop earrings and glittery high heels.
Though that may change when a line of Snooki hair products comes out. Anyway, the effect has been interesting. But trying to hold a conversation with Snooki is a little like getting down on your hands and knees with a child. You have to come down to her level, and sometimes you almost think you need to bribe her with a piece of candy to coax her to be more responsive. She is really only responsive to her own immediate needs and desires.
She is not self-centered, but she is used to acting out and getting away with it. She was the boss of everybody. Not surprisingly, Snooki is an only child, adopted when 6 months old she was born in Santiago, Chile.
Her parents do everything for her — her laundry, her cooking — just as they did when she was a community college student studying to be a veterinary technician and living at home. She saw a Facebook ad for the MTV show and auditioned. Today she has , followers on Twitter but no idea how much money she has. Talking to Ms. Salsano, who is from Farmingdale, on Long Island, made me more sympathetic about the cast.
She saw a Facebook ad for the MTV show and auditioned. Today she has , followers on Twitter but no idea how much money she has. Speaking to producer Sally Ann Salsano made me more sympathetic about the cast.
I asked Salsano about the cast members getting an attitude because of the show's success. Last season I had to buy them cigarettes and Diet Cokes. They're the same kids they've always been. Sure, they have a bit more money. They have more clothes with rhinestones on them than they did last year. This still doesn't address Snooki's appeal. And part of the problem is that she can't explain it herself. She simply isn't capable of serious introspection.
She told me she has read only two books in her life, Twilight and Dear John. I asked if she was inspired by any movie actors. I looked up to her. She had a dorky personality, like me. It was sad that she died. And I don't care. As much as Thompson, the Syracuse professor, is a fan of the show, "I certainly wouldn't want to be stuck in an elevator with her," he said.
The fact is, Snooki is much more interesting as a character than she is in any other context. He thinks she has a "delicious artlessness," an unprocessed quality. She makes me think of Elizabeth Taylor - well, quite apart from the unbridgeable divide of talent and beauty. Photographs of Taylor in the s confirm a short, busty woman with high hair, big jewelry, garish taste in clothes and a complete indifference to the cyclonic effect that all that produced. Thursdays on MTV. Subscribe Manage my subscription Activate my subscription Log in Log out.
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