You can kill Senya here and remove her presence from the story. For selfish reasons Vette but logically Torian should be saved because he is the bridge between your alliance and the mandos, without him it gets a little harder to keep them committed.
To choose to become emperor or heal the galaxy as alliance commander. So if you pick the darkside option you would recieve the title Emperor is you choose the lt side option then you should revieve the title Galactic Alliance Commander or Galactic Alliance Champion but you get nothing….
In Chapter 8 of Knights of the Eternal Throne, the player has a major decision to make involving Vette. In the original Sith Warrior class storyline, male player characters can romance her and later marry her, but if both the player and Jaesa are aligned to the dark side of the Force.
Juhani grew up on the planet Taris after her family escaped the assault on their homeworld during the Mandalorian Wars. Your main obstacle is likely to be that Vette uses a pistol two pistols? Get the red skinned customization and dress her up in skimpy black outfits.
When she was still very young, Vette, her mother Diida and her older sister Tivva were captured by slavers and forced to work in Ryloth mines, before being sold separately off-world. Vette accompanied the apprentice into the Tomb she already broke into once, and activated the statues, opening the passage and allowing the Sith to claim an ancient lightsaber. Tabletop role-playing games. When can you flirt with Vette?
What level can you romance Vette? Why does Vette still have her shock collar? Where can I talk to Vette? So i'm a f2p lvl 60 Sith warrior currently in late Chapter 3, ready to go kill Baras, and i've tried to romance Vette from the beginning I haven't finished my class story because i've heard that you lose the ability to bond with your companions after you've finished it. Still, somehow Vette doesn't want to talk. After I got to the end of the class story, I went on and did some other guests, and Vette's influence level is 39, so shouldn't she want to talk?
I've taken every step to please her with gifts and dialogue, and I only chose NOT to flirt with her 1 time. I remember I had another sith warrior character where i was negligent towards Vette, but she still ended up marrying me. Showing 1 - 6 of 6 comments. Influence doesn't matter, since KotFE only class story progression matters for companion talks.
Too lazy to move View Profile View Posts. Have you removed her shock collar? The Galaxy. Planets Daily Areas Other. Champions Bosses Droids Vendors All. Missions Dailies Flashpoints Operations. Warzones Arenas.
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Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? View source. History Talk 2. Underworld Goods Cultural Artifact Courting Luxury Republic Memorabilia Technology Weapon depends on the weapon, some reward if the gift is appropriate, like say an ammo belt.
Blaster rifle Blaster pistol. Catherine Taber. Sith Empire Eternal Alliance. Too daring for her own good, she managed to breach Imperial defenses and sneak onto Korriban, gaining entry into the most sacred Sith tombs before being caught. Years of travel and close calls have made Vette quick with a blaster. Outspoken, uppity and unfiltered, she can be fiercely loyal or relentlessly taxing, making her a source of annoyance to some and of great amusement to others.