It is a fact that domestic violence and child abuse rises greatly during such a time as this. Report and be aware.
Pray Pray Pray for our health care workers and those on the frontlines every single day!!! Do prayer walks in your neighborhoods. Every day reach out to someone in need. It will be a great blessing, and we will see the changes that God will make in our lives. Let's all repent and pray. Let's all do our part to live 2 Chronicles If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
Jude Gala Ticket SafeHouse 5k. Contact walkonwateronline1 gmail. The number 40 also appears in the prophecies of Ezekiel ; and Jonah Please share your thoughts my friends and more than this share this post!! Roxane Mann. Also, notice each period ends with a time or item of blessing. This question got to me this morning and I am looking for someone to help unravel the answer.
Why Easter is celebrated after 40 days. And they say Life begins at Even Pass mark starts at Each period of 40years marks an epoch generation.
So if the bible in the Hebrew context talk of generations, it talks of one period of 40yrs to another. So Noah made the ark for a whole generation, meanwhile preaching repentance, in which God was patient for a whole generation to pass before he destroy the earth. The Israelites traveled through the desert for a whole epoch.
God took a whole epoch to work out their salvation to the promised land. The desert was a period of testing, trial and judgment. Those who passed were saved—the entered the promised land. The Babel tower was not put to its finishing. God allowed the 40days, a period of testing, trial and finally judgment, by which He literally scattered them, confusing their language. He also took a period of 40 days appearing to the disciples between his resurrection and ascension, that was a period for which the Truth of his resurrection final victory over death, sin and Satan could be tested, trialed, and be attested to.
Easter is celebrated 40days from the palm Sunday because, he enter Jerusalem for the last time on the palm Sunday, followed by a period of perfect forty days for testing, trial and judgment after being judged by human judges was condemned, so that his being condemned for our sake will be authentic.
Life begins 40 or a fool 40 is a fool forever because after being in existence for an epoch, through all the necessary testing and trial of life, the sentence judgment of either one is fit to go with life crown in dignity is dependent on the result of the period of those forty days for testing and trial. I made the above interpretations, based on the theory of forty days or years for an epoch or period of testing, trial and judgment.
I hope you find this interpretations inspiring? Remain blessed! Thank you very much for this has helped me understand the 40days or years of events in the bible. Well, I turned 40 today and have been surfing the net reading lots of things about forty. Scary and sweet. Hallelujah hallelujah and glory be to God.
I have long wanted to know what figure 40 signifies. This is the right time God has allowed me to learn. Thanks for the revelation. This is very powerful I always wondered what the number forty meant but now with your revelations iam really blessed and I will be able to answer any one who asks of the same. Very interesting. Learned more about the significance of the number Biblical and Spiritual meaning of the number Thanks for sharing. Wonderfull revelation…indeed its Gods revelation… Be blessed,,continue to grow in spirit,,amen.
Noah took 80yrs to build the ark my brother. In the year grace that God gave the earth before judgment. Mathematicaly is good to consider as God is a great mathematician. The Greatest Original Designer does everything for a reason.
Notice that there is always a blessing after a trial. EL Shaddai probably understands the limits of human endurance and always takes his servants to the edge, to show his bountiful and abundant nature in a blessing and exonarate his most holy name. Any help from God at the end of human limitations is always recognized as coming from the divine and not man. As El Shaddai he sustains abundantly so that you have no lack. Christ to Eve.
All belong to him. The devil will have christians of weak faith chase numbers for some divine significance when ample truth abounds for your faith. Forty is forty you dont need to read into it, it just is. Trust God he has his reasons.
He will make them clear to all mankind when we are worthy of the knowledge. Agape brother, may the Almighty God Jehovah bless your journey. I really enjoyed your answers, it improved my knowledge and gave me more understanding about Kindly help me put more light on that of Noah and Elijah. Thanx alot for that ….. Am turning forty and am sure this is my year of visitation from the Lord my Jesus Christ of nazareth. J K Theo Taylor. Jesus appeared for forty days after His resurrection from the dead and the disciples and many others witnessed His appearance.
When Israel disobeyed God, He gave them over to their enemies for forty years Judges The holy place of the temple was forty cubits long 1 Kings Ezekiel bore the evil of the house of Judah for forty days Ezk The number forty represents the number of one generation as with the children of Israel who died in the Wilderness for their disobedience to the Lord.
Isaac and Esau were both forty years old when they married Genesis , Tagged with: Bible Answers 40 Forty Numbers. Previous Post. Next Post. These nuts claim that God They knew very little back Browse Our Archives. Also, send me special offers. Meet the World's Confessional Lutherans. What Is "Progressive Christianity? Roger E. My Book on Fascism Revisited. The Failure of the "Youth Group"