How do you calculate mass using density and volume? How do you convert mass to density? How do you determine the density of a gas? What is the density of water? What is linear mass density? Why does density change with temperature? How does density affect ocean currents? If you think about it, it might seem a bit strange because ice is a solid and intuitively, it should be heavier than a liquid and sink.
Though this is true for most substances, water is an exception. Its hydrogen bonds and its solid state actually make it lighter than it is as a liquid. Water is an amazing substance that basically fuels life on earth— every living organism needs it.
It also has some interesting properties that enable life to be the way that it is. Hot water and ice are both less dense than cool water. Less dense substances float on top of more dense substances. For example, when you make salad dressing oil floats on top of vinegar because it is less dense.
The same is true for everything. If you have a blow-up beach ball in a pool, it floats, if you have a rock, it sinks. The reason why ice is less dense than water has to do with hydrogen bonds.
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On cooling, the molecules try to come closer, increasing the density. But once the temperature drops below 4 o C, the repelling nature of negative oxygen atoms of the neighboring molecules prevent them from coming any closer.
That is when its density starts to fall. As it reaches the solid state ice , the hydrogen bonds become stable and arrange themselves in such a way that the adjacent oxygen atoms are spread far apart from each other, leaving a lot of space between the molecules.
This causes ice to have a higher volume and lesser density than water, making it float.