Can you heat treat 316 stainless steel

When we think of stainless steel, we most often envision shiny, clean-looking parts. Harder stainless steels and those with fewer impurities and finer grain structures polish far better. For instance, mold steels used in injection molding applications must polish quite well so that their excellent smoothness can translate to smoothness of the plastic components they help form. This requires a costlier stainless steel that goes through some extra manufacturing, including remelting.

We combine leading process and material knowledge with decades of experience to share what works best in all industrial and commercial applications. You can contact us to consult with an expert or discuss a future project. If you want a better understanding of heat treating in general, our introductory guide to heat treating will help. Capabilities Processes. Contact Us. Previous Article. Next Article. Subscribe to keep up with the latest and greatest. Email Subscription - Call to Action Module.

Other Articles. University Resource. You may get a case hardened layer with a nitriding process but the corrosion resistance of the austenitic grades as will suffer.

Maybe you should have to try a martensitic grade such as SAE with lower corrosion resistance but hardenable. You can't through-harden it. You might be able to nitride it, but this will probably create more problems than it is worth; nitriding would reduce the corrosion resistance.

I recommend you contact them for more information. We offer the so-called [deleted by editor] surface hardening for austenitic stainless steels. Our treatment is unique since, contrary to nitriding, it does not reduce the corrosion resistance of austenitic stainless steel, neither does it change the size, shape, color or surface roughness of a component.

No coating is added. Very closely toleranced machined austenitic stainless steel parts can be hardened without any need for re-machining. Recently, the treatment has been adapted in such a way that it is now also applicable to duplex stainless steel. If your cutters are thin, nitriding is the best method. We have done this before with successfully getting 65 Rc hardness up to about 0. It doesn't much corrode also. Hi, Usman. We appended your heat-treatment inquiry to a thread which hopefully answers it for you: it can be annealed or it can be surface hardened, but it can't be through-hardened.

And what will be the hardness? Hi Guru. Please say what you're building and what hardness you think you need and why rather than asking "what will be the hardness? As you'll read here, it isn't possible to heat treat SS to through-harden it; you can only work harden it or surface harden it.

Before answering, i guess forum members would think about the role of sensitization in S. S materials. Forum members are doubtless aware that : Sensitization occurs for Aus S.

S - not at deg cent - but at deg cent. Not all chromium carbides are harmful for the functioning of SS materials if carbide precitipation is minimum. To avoid this, most heat treaters and clients specify rapid air cool after holding at S.

R or Mill anneal or solution anneal temperatures. Sensitization will occur even with rapid quenching even from solution heat treated condtiion if enough rapid quenching is not done either in air or in water. You should also remember about the effect of warping on a formed head during quenching or during holding at temp of deg cent. Question that is to be answered is: Is the sensitized Chromium carbides will add to the problem in service?

Not all chromium carbides will affect the material even if it is sensitized which cannot be avoided either during rapid cooling from S. R and rapid air cool will be sufficient for most applications of formed heads or for tube to tube sheet joints.

There is no need to do solution heat treatment at deg cent in my view. You have to take into consideration the effect of warping on a formed head from quenching from solution heat treated temp of deg cent.

From effective way of doing at your country and the facilities available in the place where fabrication of the head is done , one can also choose to go to a well known Heat treating company or engage a consultant etc for doing the job. His basic question : Can S. R is possible? If so what is the limitation? That is answered. There is no need to do solution heat treat as suggesed by Scott or Phong - in my view. Trust this helps you to decide C. Our NACE region and acidic sour water calculator is now available.

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